Alaska Bilder

Die auf dieser Seite dargestellten Alaska-Bilder unterliegen dem Copyright von Phillip Greenspun
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Phillip Greenspun
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_____Bilder von P.Greenspun_____
[ Bilder 3a ] [ Bilder 3b ] [ Bilder 3c ] [ Bilder 3d ] [ Bilder 3e ] [ Bilder 3f ] [ Bilder 3g ] [ Bilder 3h ] [ Bilder 3i ]

:: Alaskabilder von P. Greenspun
Containers in Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

A Single Otter in Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Coming in for a landing in the water in front of Ketchikan, Alaska

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Downtown Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

A cruise ship docked in Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

The nice part of downtown Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

The nice part of downtown Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

View from the Westmark, Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

:: Alaskabilder von P. Greenspun
Cable car in Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

The sun deck on an Alaska Marine Highway ferry.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

The glacier in Juneau, Alaska

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

The car deck of an Alaska Marine Highway ferry.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Float planes in Ketchikan, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Patrick, manager of the salmon cannery at Petersburg Fisheries. Petersburg, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

The frozen salmon line at Petersburg Fisheries. Petersburg, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun


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