Alaska Bilder

Die auf dieser Seite dargestellten Alaska-Bilder unterliegen dem Copyright von Phillip Greenspun
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Phillip Greenspun
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_____Bilder von P.Greenspun_____
[ Bilder 3a ] [ Bilder 3b ] [ Bilder 3c ] [ Bilder 3d ] [ Bilder 3e ] [ Bilder 3f ] [ Bilder 3g ] [ Bilder 3h ] [ Bilder 3i ]

:: Alaskabilder von P. Greenspun
The 4-year-old brown bear who charged me, ineffectively swatting to fish at Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Bears preparing for a fight. Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Bear cub. Katmai National Park, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Flying over Naknek Lake from King Salmon to Brooks Lodge, Katmai National Park. The Twin Otter lands on floats with a surprising degree of smoothness.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Katmai National Park, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy Philip Greenspun

:: Alaskabilder von P. Greenspun
Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

When salmon are plentiful, bears prefer to eat only the high-fat skin. Katmai National Park, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

A rainbow luring me farther south on the road between Fairbanks, Alaska and Denali National Park

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Katmai National Park, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Katmai National Park (Alaska)

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun


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