Alaska Bilder

Die auf dieser Seite dargestellten Alaska-Bilder unterliegen dem Copyright von Phillip Greenspun
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Phillip Greenspun
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_____Bilder von P.Greenspun_____
[ Bilder 3a ] [ Bilder 3b ] [ Bilder 3c ] [ Bilder 3d ] [ Bilder 3e ] [ Bilder 3f ] [ Bilder 3g ] [ Bilder 3h ] [ Bilder 3i ]

:: Alaskabilder von P. Greenspun
Shannon and Raven. Seward, Alaska 1993.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

The view of Jakalof Bay from the road back to Seldovia, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Sadie Sin's clams, a few miles out of Seldovia, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Jakalof Bay, near Seldovia, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Seldovia Cafe, Seldovia, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Land's End, Homer, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Weighing Halibut caught by tourists. Homer, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Portage Lake. South of Anchorage, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

:: Alaskabilder von P. Greenspun
Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park (Alaska).

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

The forest along Jakalof Bay, near Seldovia, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Sign warning that all bridges are out. Near Seldovia, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Downtown Seldovia, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Matanuska Valley (Alaska).

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Land's End, Homer, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun

Weighing Halibut caught by tourists. Homer, Alaska.

photo courtesy
Philip Greenspun


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